DevLog: Week 2 - Quantum Tunneling Mechanic Development

DevLog: Week 2 - Quantum Tunneling Mechanic Development

The focus for this week has been primarily on the development of the Quantum Tunneling mechanic, the main feature that promises to add a unique layer of depth to our gameplay. Below is a comprehensive overview of the progress made, the challenges encountered, and the roadmap for the upcoming week.

Team’s Goals for the Past Week:

  • Develop the initial version of the Quantum Tunneling mechanic.
  • Ensure the mechanic’s basic functionality using raycasts and teleportation logic.

My Accomplishments This Week:

  • Successfully coded the foundational structure for the Quantum Tunneling mechanic, achieving basic functionality.
  • Identified and planned solutions for the existing complications within the movement mechanic, setting a clear direction for its completion.

Goals for Next Week:

  • Resolve the complexities within the Quantum Tunneling mechanic to enhance its reliability and integration into the gameplay.
  • Apply the proposed solution to the character movement script, aiming for a polished and seamless movement experience.

Learning Objectives:

  • Research advanced techniques in raycasting and teleportation within game development to refine the Quantum Tunneling mechanic.
  • Dive deeper into character controller optimizations to ensure the new movement script delivers the desired fluidity and responsiveness.

Playtesting Report:

What were you playtesting?

This week’s playtesting was centered around the newly developed Quantum Tunneling mechanic, assessing its current functionality and feel within the game.


The primary aim was to evaluate the mechanic’s initial implementation, particularly its interaction with Phasable objects and responsiveness.


Once again, I took on the role of playtester to conduct an initial review of the Quantum Tunneling mechanic’s integration and performance.


The mechanic, while in its early stages, shows promising functionality, allowing the player to phase through objects as intended. However, it’s clear that further development is necessary to fully use this feature’s potential.

Playtester Questions & Responses:

  • How does the Quantum Tunneling mechanic feel in its current state?
    Personally, the mechanic feels good and introduces a novel approach to navigating obstacles, though it’s evident that completion and refinement are needed to fully incorporate it into the game’s fabric.

Feedback Received:

As the sole tester, my feedback focuses on the need to continue developing the mechanic, ensuring it operates seamlessly within the game’s broader context. The mechanic’s concept is solid, but achieving a fully functional and polished implementation will be critical.

End of DevLog Week 2.

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