DevLog: Week 3 - New Movement System and Text Prompt Script

DevLog: Week 3 - New Movement System and Text Prompt Script

This Week’s Focus

This week, my primary goal was to develop a new movement system from scratch. The motivation behind this was to address the limitations of the previous system and to ensure easier integration and support for various controllers, including PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Series X, and Switch. Additionally, I began working on the script for a text prompt system, which will allow objects to disappear when picked up and then prompt a text message.

Goals for the Past Week:

  • Develop a new, flexible movement system.
  • Start the script for the text prompt system.

Goals Accomplished:

  • Successfully created the new movement system, ensuring it supports multiple controllers. image.png



  • Initiated the text prompt script, enabling objects to disappear upon interaction and display a text message.

Goals for Next Week:

  • Finalize and polish the new movement system, ensuring it works smoothly with all supported controllers.
  • Expand the text prompt system, adding more complex interactions and refining the user experience.

Learning Objectives:

  • Research advanced techniques for multi-controller support and integration in game development.
  • Explore best practices for implementing text prompt systems in Unity, focusing on performance and user experience.


The new movement system shows improved flexibility and controller support, while the text prompt system is functioning as expected, with objects disappearing and messages being displayed upon interaction. However, further refinement and development are necessary to achieve a final product.

  • How does the new movement system feel with different controllers?
    • The system feels responsive and adaptable to various controllers, though minor tweaks are needed for optimal performance.
  • How intuitive is the text prompt system in its current state?
    • The text prompt system is straightforward and effective, but additional polish is required for a good user experience.

End of DevLog Week 3.

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